Nursing Care

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Nursing Care

Nursing care is an important service for some people living with a disability. The NDIS assists with several levels of nursing support, designed to maximise independence and increase access to life's opportunities.

Happy Care works to assist disabled individuals through the NDIS scheme. This includes nursing support that is appropriate to their disability and living situation. This nursing support is funded through an individually allocated budget.

Nursing care is about managing a disability and staying in the best health possible. It can be tailored to suit education, employment, and general life goals. There are three broad, overlapping categories of nursing care: core, capital and capacity building. Core support is about daily tasks such as cooking, cleaning, household management, mobility, transport, continence needs, and some equipment that assists independence.

Capital support includes home modifications (wheelchair access, rails, bathroom modifications), and assistive technology to help independence, such as mobility aids, prosthetics, communication devices, vision equipment and modifications to vehicles. Capacity building is about increasing skills and social interaction. Individuals must demonstrate their need for this ongoing nursing support. A registered nurse can carry out a full health assessment and co-design an appropriate care plan, which will be reviewed every 6 months, or when their situation changes.

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